Institutional partnership

INSA Toulouse INSA Toulouse
INSA Toulouse, a dynamic school of engineering With 14,000 alumni present in all economic sectors, the "Institut National des Sciences Appliquées" of Toulouse, an international, pluridisciplinary, state engineering school, is recognised for the excellence of its five-year education which attracts students of a high academic level and who have obtained excellent results at the Baccalaureat.
Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier
Université Paul Sabatier, a university going forward! Since its creation in 1969, UPS has been expanding its offer of multidisciplinary education in the fields of science, health, engineering, technology and sports, developing one of the most important scientific research clusters in France. Centred on Toulouse, European space and aeronautics capital, UPS is a renowned European university with a global outlook.
French National Institute for Agricultural Research INRA is Europe’s top agricultural research institute and the world’s number two centre for the agricultural sciences. Its scientists are working towards solutions for society’s major challenges.
The National Center for Scientific Research, or CNRS, is a public organization under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Education and Research.
Université Paris-Est Créteil / Val de Marne Université Paris-Est Créteil / Val de Marne
The largest multidisciplinary university in Ile-de-France, the Université Paris-Est Créteil may be described as a bold yet successful enterprise: in little more than 40 years since its foundation in 1970, UPEC has managed to establish itself both as a regionally grounded institution and an internationally oriented university.
LISBP is a mixed research unit (UMR) attached to INRA (UMR 792), CNRS (UMR 5504) and INSA Toulouse. LISBP is multidisciplinary (microbiology, biocatalysis, bioprocesses, separation techniques…); it works on uniting Systems Biology, Processes and Engineering, and has a triple engagement centred around Research, Training, and Transfer and Exploitation. With the ambitious aim of federating competence “from gene to process” while combining scientific excellence with economic and social pertinence, LISPB is crossing divisions, applying a multi-scale strategy, and building networks in the local and international environment.
Created in 2007 with the support from the CNRS and the University of Paris Est Créteil (UPEC), the Institut de Chimie et des Matériaux de Paris Est (ICMPE UMR7182) is a basic research laboratory in the field of chemistry and materials science. Multidisciplinary research activities revolve around four main areas: materials for energy, nano materials and scale effects, materials for the environment and sustainable development, and chemistry at the interface with health and living.
CIRIMAT, the Interuniversity Center of Materials Research and Engineering, was created in 1999 by the merger of 3 laboratories and is structured into 7 research teams. It brings together the Toulouse competences in the field of science and materials engineering, spread over 4 geographical sites: 3 on the Toulouse-Rangueil university campus (UPS/Chemistry, UPS/Physics, UPS/Pharmacy) and one on the INPT-ENSIACET campus.
Improving our understanding of the properties of civil engineering and environmental materials is a major issue for sustainable development. Indeed developing sustainable means for waste or CO2 storage, less energy consuming and more sustainable buildings, etc, are among the most critical environmental urgencies. Nevertheless the materials involved have a complex, multi-scale, heterogeneous structure, implying that a huge variety of interactions, chemical and physical processes are concurrently at work, and collectively determine macroscopic properties (see pictures below). Labex MMCD aims at developing an advanced research on these materials, relying on approaches involving the top research means for the modelling, numerical simulations, experimentation and imaging, in mechanics and physico-chemistry.
M. Thierry MANDON, Secrétaire d’État chargé de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, a annoncé le 6 juillet 2016 les résultats de l’appel à candidatures Carnot 3 : CHIMIE BALARD CIRIMAT ( est officiellement labellisé institut Carnot ! Le rapprochement de l’Institut Carnot CHIMIE BALARD (Montpellier) et de l’Institut Carnot CIRIMAT (Toulouse), ancrés dans un milieu académique de premier plan, est une excellente opportunité, thématique et régionale, pour porter encore plus loin le transfert de technologie et l’innovation dans le domaine de la chimie des matériaux et procédés en développant la recherche partenariale. Ce label est la reconnaissance de tous les efforts accomplis et des progrès capitalisés depuis 2006, avec Carnot 1 puis Carnot 2.
3 Bcar 3 Bcar
3BCAR is an organized research network of units working in the field of transformation of biomass into Bioenergies, BioBased materials and molecules (3 B of the renewable carbon) network. Supported by INRA (the french national research institute in agronomy) and seven historic partners who have signed a Scientific Interest Group contract together, 3BCAR aims to develop research partnerships with companies in order to promote the development of innovation, technology transfer and the public-private partnership.
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